
Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Use govern the use of our website and services related to our various business areas. Please read these terms carefully before using our services. By using our websites and services, you agree to these terms.

Operation of Travel Platforms: As operators of travel platforms, we provide vendors with the technical infrastructure to showcase their offerings to travelers. We act solely as platform operators and software providers and are not responsible for the vendors’ offerings or booking conditions. By using our platforms, you accept the contractual terms of the respective vendors.

Website Creation and Marketing: In addition to our travel platforms, we also offer vendors services for website creation and marketing of their offerings. Here, we assist vendors in presenting their offerings and attracting customers, but we are not responsible for the content of the websites created by vendors.

Affiliate Partnerships: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. also operates numerous affiliate platforms where affiliate partners can promote the offerings of registered vendors and other partners. In this capacity, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. acts solely as a platform operator and software provider for affiliate services. The affiliate partner is always a partner of the affiliate program provider itself and not a partner of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., unless it is a direct affiliate program offer from Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. itself.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: These Terms of Use are governed by Irish law. Any disputes related to these terms or your use of our services are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

Contact: If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, you can contact us through our chat support or at the address provided below.

By using our website and services, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our services.

  • All content on our website, including text, graphics, logos, images, videos, and software, is copyrighted and owned by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. or our licensors. Your use of our platforms and services does not grant you any rights to the intellectual property of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. or third parties.

The Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information on our websites or in our services. While we strive to ensure the provided information is correct, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.

We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of our websites or services, including but not limited to lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs, or other data on your information system. This applies even if we have been expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

In some jurisdictions, the disclaimer or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages is not permitted. In such cases, our liability is limited to the extent permitted by law.

Please note that we do not accept responsibility for content and offerings from third parties, including vendors and affiliate partners. Any transactions or dealings you have with these third parties are solely between you and the respective third party. We are not involved in such transactions and are not liable for any damages arising from them.

By using our websites and services, you agree that any use is at your own risk and that you accept our disclaimers and limitations of liability.

If you have any questions or concerns about our disclaimer and limitation of liability, feel free to contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., protecting your privacy and securing your personal data is our top priority. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our websites and services.

  1. Information We Collect:

    • Personal Data: We may collect personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, and billing information when you register an account or use our services.
    • Usage Data: We automatically collect information about your interaction with our websites and services, including your IP address, browser type, device information, and visited pages.
  2. Use of Your Information:

    • Providing Services: We use your information to provide the services you request, such as processing bookings and managing accounts.
    • Improving User Experience: We analyze usage data to enhance our websites and services, personalize your experience, and optimize performance.
    • Communication: We may use your contact details to send you updates, newsletters, and promotional offers about our services. However, you can opt out of these communications at any time.
  3. Data Security:

    • We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.
    • Our websites and services may utilize encryption technology to secure data transmission and storage.
  4. Sharing of Information:

    • We may share your information with trusted third-party providers who assist us in operating our websites and delivering services. These providers are obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of your data.
    • We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes.
  5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

    • We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your browsing experience, analyze website traffic, and personalize content.
    • You can control cookies through your browser settings, but disabling cookies may impact your ability to access certain features of our websites.
  6. Your Rights:

    • You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. You may also request restrictions on the use of your data or object to certain processing activities.
    • To exercise your rights or inquire about our data practices, please contact us using the information provided below.
  7. Updates to This Policy:

    • We may update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes in our data practices or legal requirements. Significant changes will be notified by posting the updated version on our websites.
  8. Contact Us:

    • If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy or the handling of your data, please contact us using the information provided below.

By using our websites and services, you consent to the collection, use, and processing of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The following usage restrictions govern the use of our websites and services provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. Please read these terms carefully before using our services. By accessing our websites and services, you agree to comply with these usage restrictions.

  1. Purpose of Use: Our websites and services may only be used for lawful purposes and in accordance with these usage restrictions. Any use that violates applicable law or these terms is prohibited.

  2. Restrictions on Use:

    • You may not use our websites and services for illegal, fraudulent, or unethical activities.
    • The distribution of spam, viruses, malware, or other harmful content is strictly prohibited.
    • Any actions that compromise the security of our websites or the integrity of our services are prohibited.
    • You may not use our websites and services for harassment, discrimination, or the infringement of others’ rights.
    • The use of automated systems or bots for unauthorized data collection or mass retrieval of content is not allowed.
  3. Intellectual Property: All content on our websites, including text, graphics, logos, images, and software, is copyrighted and owned by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. or our licensors. The use of our content for purposes other than those approved herein is prohibited.

  4. User Responsibility: You are responsible for all activities conducted under your account or through your use of our services. Please safeguard your login credentials and promptly contact us if you notice any suspicious activity.

  5. Changes to Usage Restrictions: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to change or update these usage restrictions at any time at its discretion. Significant changes will be notified by publishing the updated version on our websites.

By accessing our websites and services, you agree to comply with these usage restrictions. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, please contact us using the contact information provided below.

To access certain features and services provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., registration of an account may be required. The following terms govern the registration and management of user accounts across our various business sectors:

Account Creation: Users may be required to provide certain personal information, such as names, email addresses, and contact details, to create an account. By registering an account, users agree to provide accurate and complete information and to keep this information up to date.

Account Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials, including username and password. All activities conducted under the user account are the sole responsibility of the user. Users must promptly inform Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. of any unauthorized access or use of their account.

Account Usage: Accounts registered with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may only be used by the registered user and may not be shared or transferred to others without prior authorization. Users may not create multiple accounts to circumvent usage restrictions or other policies.

Account Termination: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts that violate these terms or engage in fraudulent or unauthorized activities. Users may also request the deletion of their account, subject to applicable legal requirements.

Minors: Users under 18 years of age may only register an account with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. does not knowingly collect personal data from minors without parental consent.

Business Accounts: Additional terms may apply to companies or organizations registering an account, including verification of the legal status of the legal entity and authorization to act on behalf of the organization.

Affiliate Partnerships: Terms: Affiliate partners must adhere to the agreed commission structures and policies for using partner links. They are responsible for ethically generating linked traffic and must not engage in fraudulent practices. Affiliate partners must also ensure that they do not create or promote content that violates applicable laws or Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. policies.

Software Development and Website Creation: Terms: Developers and clients commissioning website creation must comply with the licensing terms for the software used and the content created. They may not use copyrighted materials without the appropriate rights or licenses. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to review and remove content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of third parties.

Marketing Services: Terms: Customers using marketing services must adhere to the agreed payment terms and ensure that the provided marketing materials comply with applicable laws. They may not use misleading or fraudulent advertising methods and are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to review marketing campaigns and terminate or adjust them for policy violations.

The termination of the agreement with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. is subject to the following conditions, applicable to all our business areas:

  1. User-Initiated Termination: Users have the right to terminate their agreement with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. at any time by closing their account or discontinuing the use of our services. In this case, any remaining obligations of the user to Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. will become immediately due.

  2. Termination by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.: We reserve the right to terminate the agreement with a user at any time, especially if the user violates our terms of use or engages in fraudulent activities. In this case, any remaining obligations of the user to Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. will become immediately due.

  3. Termination of Affiliate Partnerships: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to terminate affiliate partnerships if the partner violates the agreed terms or engages in fraudulent practices. In this case, any outstanding commission payments may be forfeited.

  4. Termination of Software and Website Development Projects: In case of non-compliance with the agreed terms or violations of copyrights, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may terminate the respective project prematurely. Any remaining payment obligations of the customer remain unaffected.

  5. Termination of Marketing Services: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may terminate marketing services if the customer violates the agreed guidelines or engages in fraudulent practices. In this case, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may refuse to refund unused services.

  6. Effects of Termination: Upon termination of the agreement, users are no longer entitled to access our services, and any content or data associated with their account may be deleted. However, any outstanding payments remain due and must be settled.

  7. Impact on Ongoing Projects: In the event of termination of projects such as website development or marketing campaigns, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may invoice for the services already provided and retain ownership of the created content.

  8. Exceptions: In some cases, individual agreements or contracts may contain different provisions regarding termination. These exceptions are documented in writing and are only valid upon mutual agreement of the parties involved.

By using our services, you agree to these termination terms. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time, reflecting changes in our services, legal requirements, or industry standards. By continuing to use our services after any modifications, users accept the revised terms and conditions. The following conditions apply to changes in terms and conditions across all our business areas:

  1. Notification of Changes: Whenever significant changes are made to the terms and conditions, users will be notified via email or through a notice on our website. It is the responsibility of users to review these changes and familiarize themselves with the updated terms.

  2. Acceptance of Changes: By continuing to use our services after the effective date of the revised terms and conditions, users implicitly accept the updated terms. If users do not agree with the changes, they must stop using our services and may request the closure of their account.

  3. Changes to Affiliate Partnerships: Any modifications to the terms of affiliate partnerships will be communicated to partners in advance. Partners are expected to review the updated terms and continue their partnership only if they agree to the changes.

  4. Updates to Software and Website Development Projects: In case of changes to the terms of ongoing projects, such as modifications to project scope or timelines, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. will notify the customer promptly. The customer’s continued participation in the project implies acceptance of the updated terms.

  5. Amendments to Marketing Services: Changes to the terms of marketing services, including alterations in campaign strategies or performance metrics, will be communicated to customers in advance. Customers are encouraged to review the changes and provide feedback if necessary.

  6. Opt-Out Option: Users who do not agree with the updated terms and conditions have the option to terminate their agreement with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. as outlined in the “Termination of Agreement” section.

  7. Governing Law: Any disputes arising from changes to the terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of Ireland and subject to the jurisdiction of Irish courts.

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by any changes made to the terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about the updated terms, please contact us for clarification.

In addition to the terms mentioned above, the following provisions apply to the use of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.’s services across all business areas:

  1. Severability Clause: Should individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions be or become invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. In place of the invalid provision, a provision shall be deemed agreed that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.

  2. Transferability: Users may not transfer their rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions without the prior written consent of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. However, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to transfer this agreement or parts thereof to affiliated companies or successors in interest.

  3. Waiver: Failure by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. to enforce certain rights or provisions of these Terms and Conditions does not constitute a waiver of those rights or provisions unless expressly stated in writing.

  4. Applicable Law: These Terms and Conditions are governed by Irish law and shall be construed accordingly, without regard to principles of conflicts of law.

  5. Jurisdiction: Any disputes arising out of or related to these Terms and Conditions or the use of our services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

  6. Amendments: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to change or update these other provisions at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes by email or through a notice on our website.

  7. Entire Agreement: These Terms and Conditions, including all additional terms and policies incorporated by reference, constitute the entire agreement between users and Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. regarding the use of our services and supersede all prior agreements or understandings.

By using our services, you agree to these other provisions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for further information.

This Software License and Usage agreement governs the use of software provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. across all business areas. By accessing or using any software provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., you agree to abide by the terms of this agreement.

  1. License Grant: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software provided, solely for the purpose of accessing and utilizing the services offered by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. This license does not grant you any rights to ownership of the software.

  2. Restrictions: You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the software, except as expressly permitted by law. You may not sublicense, lease, rent, or otherwise transfer the software to any third party.

  3. Intellectual Property: The software provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. is protected by intellectual property laws and international treaties. All rights, title, and interest in and to the software, including any accompanying documentation, are owned by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. or its licensors.

  4. Compliance: You agree to use the software in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and third-party rights. You shall not use the software for any unlawful or unauthorized purpose, including but not limited to copyright infringement or violation of third-party intellectual property rights.

  5. Updates and Support: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may provide updates, patches, or support services for the software at its discretion. Any such updates or support services shall be subject to the terms of this agreement.

  6. Termination: This license is effective until terminated by you or Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. You may terminate this license by discontinuing use of the software and destroying all copies in your possession. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may terminate this license at any time if you fail to comply with the terms of this agreement.

  7. Disclaimer: The software is provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. shall not be liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software.

  8. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

By using the software provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not use the software. For any questions or concerns regarding this agreement, please contact us.

Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. offers a variety of services and support options across different business domains to ensure our customers have the best possible experience with our products and platforms. Below is an overview of our services and support offerings:

  1. Operating Travel Platforms:

    • Technical Infrastructure: We provide vendors with the necessary technical infrastructure to showcase their travel offers on our platforms.
    • Customer Support: Our customer support team is available to both vendors and travelers to answer queries and provide assistance with bookings or technical issues.
    • Training and Resources: We offer training sessions and resources to help vendors maximize the potential of our platforms and achieve success.
  2. Website Creation and Marketing:

    • Web Design: Our team of experts assists vendors in creating attractive and functional websites that effectively showcase their offerings.
    • Marketing Strategies: We offer marketing consultancy and strategies to help vendors promote their offers and reach potential customers.
    • Analysis and Optimization: Through data analysis and continuous optimization, we help vendors enhance their marketing campaigns and boost the success of their websites.
  3. Affiliate Partnerships:

    • Partner Program: We provide a comprehensive partner program that enables affiliate partners to promote the offers of our registered vendors and earn commissions.
    • Support and Training: Our support team is available to affiliate partners to answer questions and assist them in optimizing their marketing strategies.
    • Tracking and Analysis: We provide tools and resources to help affiliate partners track their performance and analyze their marketing activities.
  4. Software Development and Website Creation:

    • Development Services: Our team of software developers offers tailored solutions for businesses and organizations across various industries.
    • Project Management: We assist clients in planning, implementing, and deploying software projects and website developments.
    • Technical Support: After deployment, we offer continuous technical support and maintenance services to ensure that the developed solutions function smoothly.

Our goal is to provide our customers with high-quality services and support to help them achieve their goals and promote their success. If you have any questions or need assistance, we are available to help at any time.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we are committed to ensuring the security and protection of our customers’ data across all our business domains. We take privacy seriously and implement strict measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Below is an overview of our data security and privacy policies:

  1. Protection of Personal Data:

    • Data Collection: We only collect data necessary for the provision of our services and use it solely for the intended purpose.
    • Processing: Personal data is processed only by authorized personnel and handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
    • Storage: Data is securely stored and protected from unauthorized access or loss, both during transmission and storage.
  2. Data Security:

    • Technical Measures: We employ state-of-the-art security technologies and procedures to protect our customers’ data from threats such as hacking, data breaches, or malware attacks.
    • Encryption: Data transmissions are encrypted to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information.
    • Access Control: Access to data is restricted to authorized personnel, and strict access rights are implemented to ensure that data can only be accessed or modified by authorized individuals.
  3. Privacy Policies:

    • Transparency: We provide transparent information to our customers about how their data is collected, processed, and stored.
    • Consent: We obtain consent from our customers before collecting or processing personal data and respect their privacy rights.
    • Rights of Data Subjects: We respect the rights of our customers under applicable data protection laws, including the right to access, rectify, and delete their data.
  4. Compliance:

    • Legal Requirements: We comply with all relevant data protection laws and regulations, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws.
    • Regular Review: We regularly review our data protection practices to ensure they comply with the latest legal requirements and best practices.

Through these measures, we aim to earn and maintain our customers’ trust regarding the protection of their data. If you have any questions about our data security and privacy policies, please feel free to contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we recognize the importance of Open Source Software (OSS) in driving innovation and providing cost-effective solutions across our diverse business domains. We adhere to the following principles when it comes to the use of OSS:

  1. Compliance: We comply with all relevant open source licenses and ensure that our use of OSS aligns with the terms and conditions set forth in these licenses.

  2. Licensing: We carefully review and select OSS components based on their licensing terms, ensuring that they are compatible with our business objectives and legal obligations.

  3. Contribution: We actively contribute to the open source community by sharing code, providing feedback, and participating in open source projects that align with our areas of expertise and interest.

  4. Transparency: We maintain transparency regarding our use of OSS components and make relevant information available to our customers and stakeholders upon request.

  5. Integration: We integrate OSS components into our products and services where appropriate, leveraging the flexibility and extensibility offered by open source technologies.

  6. Security: We prioritize the security of OSS components by regularly monitoring for vulnerabilities, applying patches and updates promptly, and implementing best practices for secure development and deployment.

  7. Compliance with Third-Party Licenses: We ensure that our use of OSS components does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties and that we comply with any additional obligations specified in the relevant licenses.

By embracing Open Source Software, we enhance our ability to deliver innovative solutions, foster collaboration within the development community, and provide value to our customers across all our business domains. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our use of OSS, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we place great emphasis on protecting confidential information and preserving the privacy of our customers, partners, and other stakeholders. We are committed to adhering to the following principles regarding confidentiality:

  1. Data Confidentiality: We treat all personal data of our customers and users as confidential and use it only in accordance with applicable data protection laws and our privacy policy.

  2. Trade Secrets: We respect the trade secrets of our customers, partners, and other business associates and use or disclose confidential information only for the agreed purposes and in accordance with applicable confidentiality agreements.

  3. Security: We implement adequate security measures to protect confidential information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or disclosure, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of this data.

  4. Disclosure Obligations: We commit to disclosing confidential information only within the company when necessary for fulfilling our business purposes and granting access only to authorized individuals.

  5. Contractual Obligations: We adhere to all contractual obligations regarding confidentiality and non-disclosure of information, including all agreements with customers, partners, and third parties.

  6. Training and Awareness: We regularly train and raise awareness among our employees on handling confidential information and privacy regulations to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and act accordingly.

By adhering to these principles, we ensure that confidential information is handled securely and strengthen the trust of our customers and business partners in our organization. If you have any questions or concerns about confidentiality, we are here to assist you.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we strive to provide reliable and uninterrupted services across all our business areas. However, we acknowledge that technical issues may occasionally arise, which are beyond our immediate control. Therefore, we want to clarify our stance on such matters:

  1. Network and Server Issues: While we make every effort to maintain the stability and performance of our network infrastructure and servers, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to our platforms and services. Factors such as network disruptions, server failures, or maintenance activities may temporarily affect the availability of our services.

  2. Data Loss or Corruption: Despite implementing robust data protection measures, including regular backups and security protocols, we cannot guarantee the prevention of data loss or corruption due to unforeseen circumstances such as hardware failures, cyber-attacks, or natural disasters.

  3. Third-Party Services: Our platforms may rely on third-party services, technologies, or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for certain functionalities. While we diligently vet and monitor these third-party providers, we cannot be held liable for any disruptions or malfunctions in their services.

  4. User Responsibilities: Users are responsible for maintaining the compatibility of their devices, software, and internet connections with our platforms and services. We recommend using up-to-date browsers, secure internet connections, and compatible hardware to ensure optimal performance.

  5. Limitation of Liability: In no event shall Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with technical issues, including but not limited to network disruptions, server downtime, data loss, or service interruptions.

  6. Reporting Technical Issues: We encourage users to report any technical issues they encounter while using our platforms or services promptly. Our technical support team is available to investigate and address reported issues to the best of our ability.

By using our platforms and services, users acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with technical systems and agree that Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. shall not be held liable for any damages or losses arising from technical issues beyond our reasonable control. We remain committed to minimizing disruptions and ensuring the continued reliability of our services. If you have any questions or concerns about technical issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we continually strive to enhance and optimize our software products and services across all our business areas. However, we recognize the need to inform users about potential changes that may occur. Therefore, we outline our approach to changes below:

  1. Software Updates: We reserve the right to update, modify, or enhance our software products periodically to improve functionality, security, and user experience. These updates may include bug fixes, feature enhancements, or performance optimizations aimed at providing a better service to our users.

  2. Service Enhancements: In addition to software updates, we may introduce new features, functionalities, or services to meet the evolving needs of our users and market demands. These enhancements may be introduced gradually or as part of a scheduled rollout plan.

  3. Notification of Changes: Whenever significant changes are made to our software or services that may impact users’ experience or usage, we will make reasonable efforts to notify users in advance. This notification may be provided through email, in-app notifications, or announcements on our website.

  4. User Acceptance: By continuing to use our software products or services after changes have been implemented, users implicitly accept and agree to the updated terms and conditions. If users do not agree with the changes, they may choose to discontinue using our services, subject to the termination provisions outlined in our terms of service.

  5. Rollback or Reversion: In rare cases where changes result in unforeseen issues or negative impacts on user experience, we reserve the right to rollback or revert to previous versions of our software or services until issues are resolved satisfactorily.

  6. Feedback and Suggestions: We value user feedback and suggestions for improving our software products and services. Users are encouraged to provide feedback through designated channels to help us better understand their needs and preferences.

By using our software products and services, users acknowledge and accept that changes may occur over time to improve functionality, security, or performance. We are committed to keeping users informed about changes and ensuring a smooth transition process whenever updates are implemented. If you have any questions or concerns about changes to our software or services, please contact us for further assistance.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we are committed to upholding industry standards and best practices across all our business areas to ensure the highest level of quality, security, and compliance. Here’s how we maintain compliance with standards and best practices:

  1. Security Standards: We adhere to industry-leading security standards and protocols to safeguard user data and protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. Our systems undergo regular security assessments, penetration testing, and audits to identify and address vulnerabilities proactively.

  2. Quality Guidelines: We maintain rigorous quality assurance processes to deliver software products and services that meet industry standards and exceed user expectations. Our quality assurance team conducts thorough testing and validation to ensure the reliability, performance, and usability of our solutions.

  3. Regulatory Compliance: We comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards governing data protection, privacy, and consumer rights, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Our policies and practices are designed to protect user privacy and ensure lawful processing of personal data.

  4. Accessibility Standards: We strive to make our software products and services accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, in accordance with accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). We design our interfaces and content to be perceivable, operable, and understandable for all users.

  5. Ethical Practices: We conduct business with integrity, honesty, and transparency, adhering to ethical principles and standards of conduct. Our employees are expected to uphold ethical standards in their interactions with customers, partners, and stakeholders, fostering trust and credibility in our business relationships.

  6. Continuous Improvement: We continuously monitor industry trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes to adapt our practices and processes accordingly. We invest in ongoing training, education, and professional development to ensure our teams stay abreast of emerging standards and best practices.

By adhering to industry standards and best practices, we demonstrate our commitment to delivering high-quality, secure, and compliant software products and services that meet the needs and expectations of our users and stakeholders. If you have any questions or concerns about our compliance efforts, please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we provide a platform for vendors to showcase their offerings across various sectors, including travel, software development, website creation, and marketing services. Here’s how we facilitate vendor partnerships and manage offers:

  1. Platform Access: Vendors gain access to our platforms, where they can list their products, services, or offerings, depending on the business area they operate in. Whether it’s accommodation options for travelers, software solutions for businesses, or marketing services for clients, vendors can leverage our platforms to reach their target audience.

  2. Offer Listings: Vendors are responsible for creating and managing their offer listings on our platforms. They can provide detailed descriptions, images, pricing, and availability information to attract potential customers. We offer tools and resources to help vendors optimize their listings and maximize their visibility to our user base.

  3. Terms and Conditions: Each vendor is required to adhere to our terms and conditions when listing their offers on our platforms. These terms outline the responsibilities of vendors, including compliance with applicable laws, ethical business practices, and quality standards. By listing their offers, vendors agree to abide by these terms and provide accurate and up-to-date information to users.

  4. Quality Assurance: We maintain quality standards for offers listed on our platforms to ensure a positive user experience. Vendors are expected to deliver on their promises and provide high-quality products or services to customers. We may conduct periodic reviews or audits to verify the quality and accuracy of vendor listings and take action against non-compliant vendors if necessary.

  5. Customer Engagement: Vendors are encouraged to engage with customers on our platforms to address inquiries, provide assistance, and facilitate transactions. Positive interactions with customers can lead to increased trust, satisfaction, and repeat business for vendors.

  6. Feedback Mechanism: We provide a feedback mechanism for users to rate and review vendor offers based on their experiences. This feedback helps other users make informed decisions and provides valuable insights to vendors for improving their offerings.

By providing a platform for vendors to showcase their offers and maintaining quality standards and transparency, we strive to foster mutually beneficial partnerships between vendors and customers. If you’re interested in becoming a vendor on our platforms or have any questions about our vendor policies, please contact us for more information.

As a vendor, software developer, website developer, or marketing service provider with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we offer you a transparent commission structure based on actual bookings or services rendered. Here are the details:

  1. Commission Structure: Vendors commit to paying a commission fee to Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. for each successful booking made through our platforms. The commission is calculated as a percentage of the total amount paid by the guest.

1a. Platform Fee: Vendors pay a platform fee equivalent to 3% of the total booking amount. This platform fee is deducted in real-time from the booking amount, and the remaining balance is promptly transferred to the vendor’s corporate account.

Example: For instance, if a guest books accommodation from a vendor for a total price of 100 USD, the platform fee of 3% (3 USD) is deducted from the booking amount. The vendor receives 97 USD, transferred to their registered corporate account along with the booking number.

This transparent and straightforward commission structure ensures that vendors only incur fees for actual bookings made through our platforms and receive prompt payments for their services. If you have any questions about our commission agreements or wish to discuss partnership opportunities, please feel free to contact us.

  1. Commission Agreements for Software Developers:

    • As a software developer providing services through our platform, similar commission agreements apply. For the provision of software solutions, you pay an agreed-upon fee, as listed in our pricing details in the “Software Development” section.
  2. Commission Agreements for Website Developers:

    • For the creation of websites for clients by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., individual agreements apply based on the specific requirements and scope of the project. Please refer to our pricing details in the “Website Development” section for more information.
  3. Commission Agreements for Marketing Service Providers:

    • As a marketing service provider offering services through our platform, you pay an agreed-upon fee, as listed in our pricing details in the “Marketing Solutions” section. This fee is calculated based on the services rendered and the agreed-upon scope.
  4. Commission Agreements for Affiliate Partners:

    • As an affiliate partner of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., you have the opportunity to promote our offers and earn commissions. The exact commission details and terms can be found on the individual web pages listed under the “Affiliate Programs” section. Please review the specific terms and conditions for each partner program.

These transparent commission agreements ensure fairness and clarity for all parties involved and contribute to building a long-term and successful partnership between Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. and our vendors, service providers, and partners. If you have any questions about our commission agreements or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we provide a platform for providers to showcase their offerings across various industries such as travel, software development, website creation, and marketing services. Here’s how we facilitate partnerships with providers and manage offers:

  1. Platform Access: Providers gain access to our platforms where they can list their products, services, or offerings depending on the business sector. Specifically, hotels and other accommodation providers can provide their availability and prices for travelers.

  2. Offer Creation: Hotels and other accommodation providers can provide detailed information about their offerings, including room rates, amenities, location details, and availability. They have the option to upload images to showcase their facilities attractively.

  3. Booking Terms: Providers are responsible for setting their own booking terms, including cancellation policies, payment methods, and any other specific terms of business. These are transparently provided to users, and customers accept these terms when completing a booking.

  4. Quality Control: We monitor the quality of offers listed on our platforms to ensure they meet the standards and expectations of our users. We may collect reviews and gather feedback from travelers to ensure that the accommodations offered meet expected standards.

  5. Customer Interaction: Hotels and other accommodation providers have the opportunity to interact directly with customers to answer questions, address special requests, and provide personalized customer service. This direct interaction helps build customer trust and ensure a positive experience.

  6. Feedback Mechanism: We provide users with the ability to rate and review their experiences with the accommodations offered. This feedback is helpful for other travelers and allows providers to continuously improve their offerings and address customer needs.

By providing a platform for accommodation providers and adhering to quality standards, we strive to offer our customers a wide selection of high-quality accommodations while providing our partners with an effective way to showcase their offerings. If you are interested in becoming an accommodation provider on our platforms or need further information, please contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we prioritize the quality of the travel offers showcased on our platforms. However, we want to clarify that we merely act as platform operators and software providers, and do not bear direct responsibility for the services or products offered by our vendors. Here’s our disclaimer for travel offers:

  1. Travel Platforms: We solely provide the technical infrastructure for vendors to showcase their travel offers. We do not assume responsibility for the accuracy, quality, safety, or legality of the services or products offered. By using our platforms, users accept the contractual terms of the respective vendor.

  2. Software Development and Website Creation: We assist clients in software development and website creation, but do not assume responsibility for the functionality, security, or reliability of the products created. Clients are responsible for ensuring that the software created complies with applicable laws and quality standards.

  3. Marketing Services: We offer marketing solutions to increase the visibility of vendors and their offers. However, we do not guarantee the success of marketing campaigns or the achievement of specific results. Clients are responsible for ensuring that the provided marketing materials comply with applicable laws and industry standards.

Despite our commitment to the quality and safety of our services, we cannot guarantee the performance or quality of the products or services offered by vendors. Users should carefully evaluate the offers and, if necessary, directly contact the respective vendor for further information.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we value transparency and trust in our platforms and services. Our reviews and rating system is designed to provide users with valuable insights into the quality of the products and services offered by our vendors across all business areas. Here’s how our reviews and rating system work:

  1. Travel Platforms: Users have the opportunity to leave reviews and ratings based on their experiences with vendors’ travel offers. These reviews help other users make informed decisions when choosing accommodations or services. We encourage honest and constructive feedback to ensure the integrity of our platforms.

  2. Software Development and Website Creation: Clients can provide feedback on the software development and website creation services they receive from Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. This feedback helps us continuously improve our services and maintain high standards of quality.

  3. Marketing Services: Clients have the option to rate and review the effectiveness of the marketing solutions provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. These reviews help us tailor our marketing strategies to better meet the needs and expectations of our clients.

We take the authenticity of reviews seriously and have measures in place to prevent fraudulent or misleading feedback. Users can rely on our reviews and rating system to make informed decisions and trust that the feedback provided reflects genuine experiences. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our reviews and rating system, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we uphold clear cancellation and refund policies across all our business sectors to ensure a high level of flexibility and customer satisfaction. Here are our policies in detail:

  1. Travel Platforms: Cancellation and refund policies vary depending on the booking terms of each vendor. Customers should carefully review the cancellation policies for each booking, as they may differ from accommodation to accommodation. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. recommends customers to familiarize themselves with the cancellation terms before booking and consider purchasing travel insurance if needed.

  2. Software Development and Website Creation: Customers utilizing services in software development and website creation are subject to agreed contract terms. Cancellation and refund policies are individually agreed upon with each customer and may vary depending on the project. Customers should carefully read the contract terms and address any questions regarding cancellation and refund policies in advance.

  3. Marketing Services: Customers availing marketing services from Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. should be aware of the agreed payment and cancellation terms. Typically, marketing campaigns have specific deadlines and conditions for cancellations and refunds. Customers should understand and accept these policies before initiating a campaign.

It is important to note that cancellations and refunds are processed in accordance with respective terms and contracts. Customers are encouraged to reach out to Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. with any questions or concerns regarding cancellation and refund policies to receive assistance. Our customer support is readily available to help clarify any queries and find the best possible solution.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we prioritize compliance with travel regulations across all our business sectors to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our customers. Here’s how we ensure compliance:

  1. Travel Platforms: We work closely with vendors to ensure that all travel offerings listed on our platforms comply with local and international travel regulations. This includes adhering to safety standards, licensing requirements, and consumer protection laws. Customers can trust that the accommodations and services offered through our platforms meet all necessary legal and safety standards.

We are committed to maintaining compliance with travel regulations in all aspects of our business operations. By prioritizing legal and regulatory compliance, we aim to provide our customers with trustworthy and reliable services that meet the highest industry standards. If you have any questions or concerns regarding compliance with travel regulations, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to ensure that your experience with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. is both safe and enjoyable.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we strive to ensure that you are informed about any changes to travel offers and that your travel plans run smoothly. Please note the following guidelines in case a provider makes a change to a travel offer:

  1. Direct Action by the Provider: If a provider makes a change to a travel offer, this change is implemented directly by the provider themselves. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. is not responsible for these changes and has no influence over them.

  2. Sole Responsibility of the Provider: The provider bears sole responsibility for any changes made to the travel offers. Should disputes arise from these changes, it is solely the responsibility of the provider.

  3. Indemnity for Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.: In case of disputes or damages resulting from changes to travel offers, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. is to be held harmless. We do not assume responsibility for any damages or inconveniences arising from providers’ changes.

  4. Communication with the Provider: If you have any questions or concerns regarding a change to a travel offer, please contact the respective provider directly. They are available to address your concerns and assist you in finding a solution.

  5. Customer Support: Our customer support team is available to assist you with any questions or issues related to changes in travel offers. We are committed to providing you with prompt and efficient assistance.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we value ensuring that your travel experience is positive and stress-free. If you have any questions or concerns about changes to travel offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Additional Terms and Conditions for all Affiliate Programs by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.

Welcome to Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.’s affiliate programs. These additional terms and conditions supplement the general terms and conditions of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. and apply specifically to your participation as an affiliate partner.

  1. Affiliate Agreement: By participating in our affiliate programs, you agree to comply with the terms set forth in this agreement as well as any additional terms of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in the termination of your affiliate partnership.

  2. Promotional Guidelines: As an affiliate partner, you are responsible for promoting our products and services ethically and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. You must not engage in misleading, unethical, or fraudulent marketing practices.

  3. Commission Structure: The commission structure for each affiliate program may vary and will be outlined in the specific program terms provided by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. You are entitled to commissions as per the agreed terms for each referral or sale generated through your affiliate links.

  4. Payment Terms: Commissions earned through our affiliate programs will be paid out according to the payment terms specified in the program terms. Payments will be made promptly and accurately, subject to meeting any minimum payout thresholds.

  5. Intellectual Property: All promotional materials, including banners, graphics, and text links provided to you by Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., are the intellectual property of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use these materials solely for the purpose of promoting our products and services as part of the affiliate program.

  6. Termination: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to terminate your participation in any affiliate program at any time for any reason. Upon termination, you must cease all advertising activities related to our products and services and remove all affiliate links or materials from your platforms.

  7. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. and its affiliated companies, officers, directors, employees, and agents from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses (including legal fees) arising from your participation in our affiliate programs or any breach of these terms.

  8. Applicable Law: These affiliate program terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Ireland. Any disputes relating to these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.

By participating in our affiliate programs, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for clarification before proceeding with your participation.

Welcome to the commission agreements for our affiliate program at Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. These agreements govern the payment of commissions for successful referrals or sales generated through your unique affiliate links or codes. Please read these terms carefully before registering as an affiliate or participating in our program. By participating, you agree to these terms.

  1. Commission Structure: The commission structure varies depending on the program and is outlined in the specific program guidelines. As an affiliate, you are entitled to commissions according to the agreed terms for each successful referral or sale made through your affiliate links or codes.

  2. Payment Terms: Commission payments are made according to the specified payment terms outlined in the program guidelines. Payments are made regularly and may occur monthly, quarterly, or at other agreed intervals, provided that minimum payout thresholds are met.

  3. Deduction of Platform Fees: In some cases, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. may deduct a platform fee from the earned commissions. This fee will be communicated transparently and deducted from the payable commissions.

  4. Rights to Marketing Materials: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves all rights to the provided marketing materials, including banners, text links, and graphics. You are granted a limited license to use these materials solely for the purpose of advertising our products and services in accordance with the terms of the affiliate program.

  5. Termination and Suspension: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to suspend or terminate affiliate accounts if there is a violation of these agreements or fraudulent activities are detected. In case of termination, you are required to remove all marketing materials and cease advertising our products.

  6. Disclaimer of Liability: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. is not liable for any lost profits, damages, or losses resulting from your participation in the affiliate program unless caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct on our part.

  7. Changes to the Terms: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to change or update these commission agreements at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you in advance and will take effect at the time specified in the notice.

By participating in our affiliate program, you agree to these commission agreements. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Tracking and reporting are essential components of our affiliate programs at Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. We utilize advanced tracking technology to accurately monitor referrals and sales generated by our affiliates. Here’s how tracking and reporting work in our affiliate programs:

  1. Tracking Mechanism: When you join our affiliate program, you will receive a unique affiliate link or code that identifies you as the referrer. This link or code is used to track visitors and customers who click on it and make purchases on our platform.

  2. Cookie-Based Tracking: We employ cookie-based tracking to ensure that affiliate referrals are properly attributed. When a visitor clicks on your affiliate link, a cookie is stored on their device, associating them with your affiliate account. This allows us to track their activity and attribute any subsequent purchases to your account within the cookie duration.

  3. Real-Time Reporting: Our affiliate portal provides you with access to real-time reports on your referral activity and earnings. You can view detailed statistics, including clicks, conversions, and commissions earned, allowing you to monitor the performance of your affiliate efforts.

  4. Transparent Reporting: We believe in transparency, and our reporting system provides clear insights into your affiliate performance. You can easily track the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns and optimize your strategies based on the data provided.

  5. Payment Reports: In addition to tracking referral activity, our reporting system also includes payment reports. You can view payment history, pending commissions, and payout schedules, ensuring transparency and accountability in commission payments.

  6. Customized Reporting: We offer customizable reporting options to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer summary reports or detailed analytics, our reporting tools allow you to tailor the data according to your preferences.

  7. Data Security: We prioritize the security of your data and adhere to strict privacy policies. Your personal information and referral data are protected, and access to reporting tools is securely managed to prevent unauthorized access.

By leveraging our advanced tracking and reporting capabilities, you can maximize your earnings as an affiliate of Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. If you have any questions or require assistance regarding tracking and reporting, our support team is available to help.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we prioritize transparency and integrity in our affiliate marketing program. To ensure that all parties are clear about their responsibilities, we have created a disclaimer for affiliate marketing:

  1. Independent Affiliate Partnerships: Our affiliate partners are independent marketers who promote our products and services. They are responsible for designing and implementing their marketing activities and complying with applicable laws and regulations.

  2. Disclaimer for Marketing Practices: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. assumes no liability for the marketing practices of our affiliate partners. This includes the accuracy of advertising claims, compliance with advertising policies, and the legal conformity of the advertised products or services.

  3. Affiliate Partner Responsibility: Affiliate partners are solely responsible for the content of their advertising materials, compliance with copyright and trademark rights, and the proper labeling of affiliate links in accordance with applicable regulations.

  4. No Income Guarantee: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. does not guarantee any specific earnings or success for affiliate partners. The success of affiliate marketing depends on various factors, including the quality of advertising materials, audience targeting, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

  5. Disclaimer for Contractual Violations: In the event of breaches of the affiliate agreement or legal provisions by the affiliate partner, they are solely liable. Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to terminate cooperation with an affiliate partner in case of violations and, if necessary, take legal action.

  6. Disclaimer for Product or Service Quality: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the quality or performance of the products or services advertised by our affiliate partners. Any claims or complaints regarding the advertised products or services must be directed to the respective provider.

By participating in our program, our affiliate partners agree to these disclaimers and acknowledge that they are responsible for their own actions and marketing activities. We encourage our partners to familiarize themselves with applicable laws and regulations and to follow ethical marketing practices. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to assist our affiliate partners.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we aim to provide clear and fair policies for our affiliate partners regarding cancellations and payouts. Here’s an overview of our policies:

  1. Cancellation of Affiliate Partnerships: Either party, Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. or the affiliate partner, reserves the right to terminate the affiliate partnership at any time, for any reason, with prior notice. Upon termination, the affiliate partner must cease all promotional activities related to Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.’s products or services.

  2. Cancellation of Affiliate Commissions: Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. reserves the right to withhold or cancel affiliate commissions in cases of fraudulent activities, violations of our affiliate agreement, or suspected abuse of the program.

  3. Payout Threshold: Affiliate partners must reach a minimum payout threshold before receiving payouts. The threshold amount and payout frequency are specified in the affiliate agreement or program terms.

  4. Payment Methods: Payouts are typically made through electronic payment methods, such as bank transfers or PayPal. Affiliate partners are responsible for providing accurate payment information to ensure timely and successful payouts.

  5. Processing Time: Payouts are processed within a specified timeframe, typically at the end of each payment period or as outlined in the program terms. Delays may occur due to factors such as payment verification or technical issues.

  6. Currency Conversion: If affiliate commissions are earned in a currency different from the payout currency, currency conversion may apply. Conversion rates are determined based on prevailing exchange rates at the time of payout.

  7. Disputes and Inquiries: In case of disputes or inquiries regarding affiliate commissions or payouts, affiliate partners should contact Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd.’s affiliate support team for resolution. We strive to address any concerns promptly and fairly.

By participating in our affiliate program, affiliate partners agree to adhere to these cancellation and payout policies. These policies are designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and the integrity of our affiliate program. If you have any questions or require clarification on our policies, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our affiliate support team.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we believe in fostering transparency and accountability within our affiliate program. To ensure the quality of our partnerships and the integrity of our affiliate network, we have implemented a comprehensive rating system for affiliates. Here’s how it works:

  1. Performance Metrics: Affiliates are evaluated based on various performance metrics, including the volume of referrals generated, conversion rates, and the overall quality of traffic directed to our platform. These metrics help us assess the effectiveness of each affiliate’s promotional efforts.

  2. Quality of Traffic: We closely monitor the quality of traffic generated by affiliates to ensure that it aligns with our standards. Affiliates who consistently drive high-quality, relevant traffic that leads to conversions are rated more favorably.

  3. Compliance and Ethics: Affiliates must adhere to our affiliate agreement and ethical guidelines. Any violations of our terms, such as engaging in fraudulent activities or misleading promotions, can result in a downgrade of their rating or termination from the program.

  4. Customer Feedback: We value feedback from customers who interact with affiliates’ promotions. Positive feedback and satisfaction ratings from customers contribute positively to an affiliate’s rating, while negative feedback may lead to a reassessment of their performance.

  5. Communication and Responsiveness: Effective communication and responsiveness are essential qualities for affiliates. Promptly addressing inquiries from potential customers and providing accurate information contribute to a higher rating.

  6. Continuous Improvement: We encourage affiliates to continuously improve their promotional strategies and optimize their campaigns for better performance. Affiliates who demonstrate a commitment to learning and growth may receive higher ratings over time.

  7. Rating Tiers and Benefits: Affiliates are categorized into different rating tiers based on their performance and adherence to our guidelines. Higher-rated affiliates may receive exclusive perks, incentives, or access to premium resources to further support their success.

Our rating system for affiliates is designed to reward excellence, foster trust, and maintain the integrity of our affiliate program. We believe that by recognizing and incentivizing top-performing affiliates, we can collectively drive greater success for our partners and our business. If you have any questions about our rating system or how to improve your affiliate rating, please don’t hesitate to contact our affiliate support team.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance within our affiliate program. Our affiliate guidelines serve as a framework for ethical conduct and responsible marketing practices. Here’s how we ensure compliance with our affiliate guidelines:

  1. Transparency and Disclosure: Affiliates are required to provide clear and transparent disclosures about their relationship with Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd. and the nature of their promotional activities. This includes clearly stating that they are affiliates and disclosing any incentives or compensation received for referrals.

  2. Adherence to Terms of Service: Affiliates must adhere to our terms of service and affiliate agreement. This includes refraining from engaging in fraudulent activities, spamming, or any other practices that violate our policies or the law.

  3. Ethical Marketing Practices: Affiliates are expected to engage in ethical marketing practices that align with our brand values. This includes refraining from deceptive or misleading advertising, respecting the intellectual property rights of others, and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

  4. Quality of Promotional Content: Affiliates are responsible for the quality and accuracy of their promotional content. This includes ensuring that all promotional materials are truthful, relevant, and do not misrepresent our products or services.

  5. Responsible Use of Affiliate Links: Affiliates must use affiliate links responsibly and in accordance with our guidelines. This includes avoiding practices such as link cloaking, cookie stuffing, or any other techniques that manipulate or deceive users.

  6. Monitoring and Enforcement: We actively monitor affiliate activities to ensure compliance with our guidelines. In cases of non-compliance, we take appropriate enforcement actions, which may include warnings, suspension, or termination from the affiliate program.

  7. Educational Resources: We provide educational resources and support to help affiliates understand and comply with our guidelines. This includes training materials, FAQs, and access to our affiliate support team for assistance.

  8. Continuous Improvement: We continuously review and update our affiliate guidelines to reflect changes in industry standards, best practices, and regulatory requirements. We encourage feedback from affiliates to help us improve our program and ensure its effectiveness.

By promoting compliance with our affiliate guidelines, we aim to maintain the integrity of our affiliate program, protect our brand reputation, and build trust with our partners and customers. If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate guidelines, please don’t hesitate to contact our affiliate support team for assistance.

At Bigmedia24 Dynamics Ltd., we strive to continuously improve and optimize our affiliate program to better serve our partners and customers. Occasionally, updates and changes may be necessary to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and fairness of our affiliate program. Here’s how we handle changes to the affiliate program:

  1. Notification of Changes: We will provide advance notice of any significant changes to the affiliate program. This may include updates to the terms of service, commission structure, payment methods, or any other key aspects of the program.

  2. Transparency and Communication: We are committed to transparency and open communication with our affiliates. We will clearly communicate the reasons for any changes to the affiliate program and provide detailed information on how these changes may impact affiliates.

  3. Grace Period for Transition: In most cases, we will provide a grace period to allow affiliates to adjust to the changes and make any necessary modifications to their promotional strategies or operations.

  4. Feedback and Input: We value feedback from our affiliates and welcome input on proposed changes to the affiliate program. Affiliates are encouraged to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions to help us make informed decisions and ensure that changes align with their needs and expectations.

  5. Continued Support: We are committed to supporting our affiliates throughout the transition period and beyond. Our affiliate support team is available to answer questions, provide assistance, and address any concerns related to the changes to the affiliate program.

  6. Evaluation and Monitoring: We will closely monitor the impact of changes to the affiliate program and evaluate their effectiveness over time. This may involve analyzing key performance metrics, soliciting feedback from affiliates, and making further adjustments as needed.

  7. Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Any changes to the affiliate program will be made in compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. We will ensure that affiliates are informed of any legal implications or obligations resulting from the changes.

  8. Commitment to Fairness and Transparency: Throughout the process of implementing changes to the affiliate program, we remain committed to fairness, transparency, and integrity. We strive to maintain a positive and collaborative relationship with our affiliates and uphold the trust and credibility of our program.

By carefully managing changes to the affiliate program and prioritizing transparency, communication, and support, we aim to foster a productive and mutually beneficial partnership with our affiliates. If you have any questions or concerns about changes to the affiliate program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our affiliate support team for assistance.